
Restaurant Website North Devon

I was very excited when we approached by John from Morans. Morans is a Thai restaurant in website in Westward Ho! It also happens to be one of my favourite places to eat in North Devon (their Sunday buffet is amazing!!). They had lost access to their original site and domain name and so needed something designing and building in … Read More


Rupert from Cadhay initially approached us to optimise his existing site. He had become extremely frustrated with his existing provided as they had recently rebuilt his site, but it had taken much longer than planned and the site had virtually disappeared from relevant searches. We did an in depth analysis of the site and highlighted quite a few problems including … Read More

arabella hewitt

Arabella got in touch following a refferal from another client. Like many of our recent clients her site lacked visibilty on Google and the other search engines and wasn’t fully mobile responsive. She wanted to rank higher for relevant search times in order to increase the number of enquiries her website was generating. There wasn’t much optimisation on her current … Read More

harris fitness consultancy

Fitness Company Website Design North Devon

Neil and Claire got in touch to discuss their current website and how it ranked on Google. They had had their site for a number of years and it was showing its age! It was a static site that wasn’t responsive for tablets and mobile devices. It also had an extremely limited amount of content on it which didn’t adequately … Read More